This book- which I am almost finished with- is way funny and true. I really like Junior, the main character, and his funny/smart perspective on life. He is something of a misfit, and I think since most teenagers feel that way at some point or another, this book holds a lot of wisdom and humor for kids who feel out of place within their own communities, schools, and skins. The book starts by describing Junior's life on the Indian Reservation in Washington (the state, not the city) and how he was born with an enlarged brain. Junior is small and skinny, so he gets beat up alot, but he has a best friend- Rowdy- who protects him. However, because Junior decides to go to school in the "white" town outside of the reservation, his friendship with Rowdy is jeopardized. In order to find out how it all turns out ok- you should read the book yourself. Junior is an aspiring cartoonist, so the book also has his drawings interspersed throughout, which breaks up the reading and gives you a glimpse into his active imagination. This book appeals to people who like to laugh while they are reading and want to identify with a protagonist who doesn't always have it so easy. I HIGHLY recommend this book. Genre:
M. Crabtree